We had thunderstorms off and on all day. But it looks like I’ll be able to get on my way north tomorrow. I had a battery put in my old cheap Velcro wristband watch for 5 Euro. Saturday night I woke up to the midnight alarm of the watch I lost in Syracuse. I was not awake enough to trace the short alarm. So, last night I set my cellphone alarm for just before midnight and sure enough the alarm went off. I had been excited for finding the watch all day. Then it turned out that the stop watch/alarm that Lynne Poland had brought on the boat in October 2008 also has an alarm going off at midnight. I had dug this out as a substitute watch. It has the identical alarm and I still can’t figure out why either go off at midnight and I was never able to figure out how to stop it on my expensive watch. It takes a twelve year old to figure that out and I am running out of those in my family. Tomorrow my youngest grandchild turns 16. I bit the bullet and bought a new pair of Maffia Polaroid sunglasses to replace the pair I lost.
I may be out of internet access now for a couple days.