A few more pictures of the progress on the Finholm market Mural.
Another Gig Harbor sail boat passed me just outside the harbor. He told me that he was on is way to the start of the annual single and double handed “Vashon Challenge”. I would have done this if I had known the date. But I had a rendez-vous in Tacoma. I saw the about twelve boats floating nearly motionless at the starting line, from a distance. The steam from the pulp mill stacks went straight up. So, I did not feel so bad after all. A Pacific White Sided Dolphin swam up with the boat. I walked up from the Dock Street Marina to the Antique Motor Cycle Show and met my long time Bellingham friend Sid, his son Doug and his grandson Blaine at the show. Lisa picked me up to have dinner with her and Harry. I made it back to Gig harbor for the 11 o’clock second service on Sunday morning. The church has not been this full since 9-11 or Easter. People were standing in the back and in the narthex. I need to bring my camera next Sunday to post pictures to my Dutch friends, God may have disappeared from Jorwerd* but apparently settled here in Gig Harbor.
book title of Geert Mak :”When God disappeared from Jorwerd”
The Gig Harbor Bay always throws surprises for an evening sail, with wind strength and direction and current. Most of the time there is too little wind. Not today.
For those who wish to download any more of the approximately 40 photos I took go to:
You can first scan through the slide show at :https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0nc2unapqessib/GHYC%20Aug%2020%20%27%20In%20the%20Harbor%20Race.wmv?dl=0
I have a couple more pictures on the progress of the Finholm Market Mural:
You may remember this picture:
In my post of August 23rd 2013: https://cometosea.us/?p=3953. This Helen Prokopovych a very promising Ukrainian artist. She is painting this gorgeous sunset over my moorage at the “De Schinkel” in Amsterdam, in this photograph. In her portfolio I discovered a painting of a spot where we used to play as kids, bringing back sweet memories. A good friend who grew up in one of the homes in this picture, bought this particular painting. We became friends. Helen’s visa for Holland ran out and she returned to Ukraine. Today I received a comment on my blog from Helen and also an e-mail that she has spent two years in Copenhagen and has improved her skills and is having some success in selling her work. She is now back in Amsterdam Holland and is enrolled at the Erasmus University in pre-master art classes, followed by their masters program.
You should visit her web site: www.ProHelen.com to see some of her recent aquarelles and her blog. I am so glad to follow her progress. One brave talented young woman.
On the subject of art: I have started to follow the mural progress on the old Finholm Market, at the end of the Gig Harbor Bay.
This is the real steady rainy day we have seen here since May. Just keeping our fingers crossed that the lightning is not setting of new fires and hoping the rain will bring some relief to the dried out West Coast.
I added a picture and the names of the Triplets in the forelast post.
The solar panel is working great. Always have my two batteries fully charged. I am right now on my way to the Black Sea in “Soloman”. I expect to start assigning parts of it already for editing to the offered help I received from my last “Where is Jack” e-mail. Still hoping to get both versions published this Fall. I am still planning on going cruising up north in the next weeks.
Here is one more picture taken from the cockpit a few evenings ago with an unusual sky.
There is a black Lab here in the marina that can walk on water. Her name is Ladyhawke.
These dogs are rare. A few years ago there was a lawyers convention in the Toronto Sheraton. A Los Angeles lawyer had been told that there was a dog breeder up north from Toronto who had bred a very special bird dog. He rents a car and finds the place out in the country. The breeder shows him a few of the dogs that he has for sale, but the Californian is not impressed. He tells the man: “What about that special bird dog?” The breeder looks at him and says: “I guess the word is out, this is a very expensive dog, but I’ll bring one out”.
He brings the black lab out and throws a decoy out on the lake. The dog tiptoes over the lake’s surface, picks up he decoy and places it back at the man’s feet. Our California lawyer is sold and pays the $50,000. Two weeks later he goes duck hunting with his buddies and his new bird dog carefully walks on the water and retrieves his ducks. On the drive back to Los Angeles the lawyer just can’t stand it any longer. “What do you guys think of my new dog?” One of the men turns to him and says: “We’ve been meaning to talk to you about it. There is something wrong with this dog.” “What do you mean?” he asks. “Your dog can’t swim.”