This Sunday the choir I joined from November 2012 till July 2013 will again perform on the occasion of the annual memorial for the victims of World War II.
Last year was the first time the nearly 100 voices of the combined two choirs performed Fauré’s Requiem. The Augustinus Church in Buitenveldert/Amstelveen was filled to the last seat, so, come early. It will remain an unforgettable highlight of my 4 year stay in Europe.
The soon to be re-christened “Fleetwood” is now in Gig Harbor, temporarily moored at the foot of Peacock Hill at the private dock of my friend Joan. After I get back from California she goes through her metamorphosis and then I shall be moored in Arabella Landing for the next months to prepare her for off shore sailing. Summer is giving us a sample this week. It is warming up to 80° F. I plan to go for a sail tomorrow afternoon. Saturday was a strong wind from the south I motor-sailed under the 120% jib from Olympia. Lots of memories came back. I had not sailed this route since I came back from a snow cancelled Toliva Shoal race in February 1988.
The Pink and White Dogwood are blooming. The fruit trees are just about done with their gorgeous spring display. I’ll try have some pictures of the Dogwoods and my new home under sail on tomorrow’s blog.