A 13 minute YouTube Slide Show with pictures of the 1 1/2 year army service in Saigon from the end of 61 till March ’63 and the visit on “Fleetwood” in 2006.
A chapter from my book SoloMan describes how I ended up in America and Vietnam and the unique life experience for me and my 1st wife in South East Asia: In Vietnam 1961-1963
A detailed journal of the 2006 Vietnam visit can be read at : www.cometosea.us/albums/log-Vietnam.htm
You Tube Slide show of travel to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos from First of January till end March 2010 with all the colorful scenes of the Lunar New Year decorations and activities.
Its been a few years since I heard from you ,i am still in Texas and still kicking..I nearly died 4 times.I am on 100 percent with the VA. but i get around ok,,just not as fast. i hope that you are well.i don’t know where you are now. i hope you have avoided those big Pacific sea monsters.Or if one got you that you have as good of luck as Joahna the guy who got stuck in a whale,I wonder if you ran across Captain Klipple lately?One time he blamed me for loosening a hydro hose above his head so that oil dripped on his head while he was doing auto rotations ,he gave me that look ,, but most often i jumped aboard and snoozed when he did .he never kicked me off ..after that little incidence he signed for my VN motorcycle permit ..then mentioned that Okinawa had a good jail to keep me in..
Hello Charley,
You can find all my latest adventures on this blog. Stay alive, I want to come see you before the VA gets doen with you. I figure that if Klippel is alive he’ll be in his nineties and harmless.
im glad you spoke .i lose alot of friends by not being careful of what say. Oh I get around on my on landing gear .I may not kick the bucket for a year or too.Im going to get married in a few weeks.The only other time I tried was that big hollow tree in the Saigon zoo. A monkwas in it burning popsickle stics .We signed a scroll with the sticks .I think a person told me I got married.But I was restricted to the compound several weeks digging ditches.That was a real pretty girl..Never saw her again.Im supposed to die so I expect I need to get married for sure ..I was in love with inventing things .Invented a lot,,Got cheated a lot.Got to know some high living people though. We may live forever . Id feel better not stiring up the Russians though. ( They don’t play fair)I still have my Gmail box.Glad to hear from you again..