I managed to get cash out of the ATM machine after all. I will do some provisioning and then leave this afternoon. It is more than a day sail from here to the other side of the bay of Taranto, I’ll make it an overnighter. There appears to be some wind from the right direction but the forcast is for zero wind during the night. But I have very little confidence in the forcasting here.
I climbed up to the basilica, next to the tall lighthouse tower, above the city and went to 8 a.m. mass. Very nice service. They do not allow photographs inside the basilica. But you did not miss much. Gaudy, baroque. The gospel was from Mark 6. “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.” So true, on both accounts, Gig Harbor Y.C. and recently with my siblings. Oh, well. That is only a tiny aspect of the rest of the world. But it still hurts.