This Sunday Christians commemorate the presentation of Mary to make an offering of two doves in the temple as the Jewish ritual prescribed for women 40 days after the baby’s birth. Then the 87 year old Simeon takes the baby Jesus in his arms and sings his canticle “Nunc Dimitis servum tuum”. Now master let your servant go. Simeon is ready to die and Jesus has his short live ahead. At the end of the service at the Haarlem St. Bavo cathedral I had a very special encounter with the lady who sat next to me in the pew. Nicole from Calgary, Alberta who grew up in Montreal. Her husband has a temporary teaching assignment here for the personnel of one of the largest North American construction and defense contractors. They have traveled extensively and seen some very interesting parts of the world. And she and her husband share with me the same awe of God’s creation. These are the encounters that make a day special.
Later in the afternoon this (almost) 77 year old got to hold the 6 months old Kai first born baby boy to my niece Jonneke, daughter of (my cousin) Gido and Riet van Ommen.
- Girls choir,
- St. Bavo Haarlem
Hallo Jack,
Welcome back in Holland.
Je bent weer druk bezig met allerhande zaken. Petje af Jack.
Leuk die foto’s van de poesen.
Iets anders Jack, de boot van Ton en mij is te koop. Hij ligt bij de kantine.
Hij is vaarklaar, overal ruim stahoogte, heeft extra zeilen, er staat een Albin Diesel motor in 20 PK.
Vraagprijs is 8.500.
Je weet maar nooit.
Laat weten als je vragen hebt.
Heel veel goeds en we hopen je op de Schinkel weer eens te zien.
Groetjes van Ton en mij,