As the sun rise promised it turned out to be a nice sunny balmy day. A moderate wind from the S.E.
There is supposed to be a flea market in town on Saturday. When I finally found the location there was no sign of a market, it might be seasonal or was already closed. Most locals have no clues of street names, just the major squares. I discovered afterwards that I was on the corner of the street I was searching for but when I asked for it by name to an emergency vehicle driver he sent me in the opposite direction…..
Monday I will take a trip out of the big city to the countryside by way of an old commuter train, the Inca train, to Binissalem. Charlotte, my artist friend from Ibiza, made the introduction for me with an English couple who live there.
I wrote before about having a problem with my automatic focusing on my Ikon D-50 camera. I have now started to manually focus. But now I discovered a new problem with the MS picture manager software, it blurs the picture when I rotate the pictures to get it straight. And there seems to be no solution to this, when googling this problem. My Adobe Photo Shop keeps the picture sharp but the process takes a lot more time than the MS Picture manager. Nearly 1 out of 4 pictures I take needs to be rotated upright. Most people don’t bother but to me it is a fetish like going through someone’s home and quickly adjusting their out of plumb wall decorations. Any one else found a solution to this problem with MS Picture Manager? While working on my book for the 9 year voyage I am going back through all my older pictures, before I bothered to straighten my pictures, and I have already squared many till I discovered today that it seriously affects the sharpness.
There is no radio in the apartment here, so I have been listening to NPR from the lap top. Tomorrow I am going to treat my self to the Prairie Home Companion, which comes in here at 6 p.m. my time. But then I discovered that there are several radio programs on the t.v., including an English language program. What more could I ask for??? So, if you do not see me come out of the arrival gate on January 8, I will have forfeited my $ 20.00 airfare and taunted the Mallorca Guardia Civil for a jail cell for overstaying my visa.