We are at Ome Ko’s bar in Muiden. Noisy but good company. The distance to Spakenburg from Elburg turned out to be further than I had expected and we had a very strong headwind slowing us down. Just when I entered Spakenburg harbor Henk van Halteren waved me down from his botter. He was on his way to Muiden for an informal botter race with another 15 Spakenburg botters from Muiden to Volendam, tomorrow. I decided to follow Henk and as I had hoped for he invited us aboard for the race tomorrow. Henk is the manager of the Nieuwboer Botter yard in Spakenburg. The yard that I wrote about in the current issue of the Wooden Boat issue. Henk told me that the issue sold out in Spakenburg. I expect that we will be back lateĀ from Volendam to Muiden and this means that we will most likely not show up in Amsterdam till Sunday. Henk and his Spakenburg buddies call this race: “Van de koster naar de Kapelaan”. ( From the Pastor to the Priest) The Volendammers are predominantly Roman Catholic and the rest of the former Zuider Zee botter fishermen are all protestant.