Monday morning I visited Marinus and Leni Hoogendoorn on the m/v “Glissando”. Glissando towed “Fleetwood” up the Rhine in 2010. They were loading in the Amsterdam harbor. Monday evening I showed two of my slide shows of part of the 9 year voyage for my friends in the Augustinus church choir. Wednesday and Thursday I made five “house calls” with friends and family. Yesterday my twin brother and his wife made a surprise visit here from Germany.
Yesterday evening I had a delightful visit with Arjan my neighbor across the street, and with his son Quintus and his grilfriend Stevie who had just arrived the day before from Red Stick (think….???) Louisiana.
This morning I attended service at the Willibrordus church in Heiloo. My friend Cor Oost was playing the organ. The church has an exceptional good organ. A break from the book writing. The suspense is killing you, I know.
Cor Oost on the organ of the Wilibrordus Church in Heiloo