Tomorrow, November 2nd, a dear friend of ours, Barbara Voelkel, will have a a breast cancer operation. Please, remember her in your prayers for a successful intervention and a complete recovery. Many of you joined me in 2006 when my Santa Cruz friend’s daughter made a complete recovery from a very serious fight with leukemia. Thank you!
Last night’s digital slide show of my circumnavigation was well received. I sent out invitations to about 45 friends and family members. We ended up packing in 54 in the modest sized club hall. Ten days earlier the same show was done for about 40 club members. Three cousins attended, who I had not seen since I left Holland in 1957. Els van Ommen, my last surviving aunt and former member of the Schinkel YC came as well. Four Dutch sailors came to see themselves on the screen, in pictures taken in the South Pacific in 2005.

Slide Show photo credit Carol de Vries