Well, I never made it to mass last weekend in Turtle Bay. It turned out that there was no Saturday 6 pm mass after all. I had doubled up on my reservation for a 6.30 a.m. pickup by water taxi for the 7 a.m. Sunday mass. None ever showed up. So much has happened this week that, frankly, I am a little vague on the sail from Bahia Tortugas to Bahia de Santa Maria. I arrived there in time for the beach party. I sold a “SoloMan” to Johan of the “De Vrijheid” and while I went to get it from my backpack Andy also wanted the one color copy I had with me. We talked too long and by the time I got back to where I left Johan, he was gone. Then I went searching for Andy. He was gone. Heck of a salesman I am. Yesterday I could not find them here in Cabo. How am I going to pay for my Pacificos? I do remember the sail from Sta. Maria bay to Cabo very well. It was absolutely perfect. I let the fleet go ahead on Wednesday morning. From 10 o’clock until the next day, I sailed under spinaker for 24 hours. I managed to sleep short one hour naps with the spinaker up. I dropped the anchor between the majority of the fleet anchored out in front of the beach here at 2 a.m. Friday morning. Yesterday we had another great beach party and the high light was the, customary, kissing contest. A re-enactment of the scene in “From here to Eternity” with Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr.
If the wind direction and strength, can be strong northerlies, allow it I will make a diversion into La Paz, otherwise I leave Tuesday/Wednesday for Puerto Vallarta.