I have posted on the web site a photo album/slide show of the crossing from North Carolina, via Bermuda, Azores, France to Amsterdam at: https://cometosea.us/albums/albums/AtlanticCrossingSummer2009.pdf
The two burner cooking stove, which I had assembled from my broken stove and two disgarded stoves at the Green Cove Springs yard, last year, gave out. So, that’s my agenda for to-day. Shop for a replacement. This just after I had managed to solve the gas bottle exchange and had my first hot meals and coffee on board. I did my first run to the super market. The quality of just about everything, vegetables, bread, coffee is superior to most american markets. I had a haircut, 24 euroes=$33.00…….. Ouch!! Thursday evenings, at the club here, they hold an informal race of the “Vrijheid” class, a 17 foot stripplanked gaff rigged day sailer. Flip Brommet is one of the regulars and I got to meet him again yesterday evening. We grew up in the same street. He remembers my uncle who was a long time member here.
I plan to have a reception here on Friday evening the 4th of September. The invitations to family and friends will go out shortly. Later in the fall I plan on hosting an eveing for members and friends/family to see my slide shows of the many counries visited.
Pretty Awesome pictures Jack!