Sunday May 1st. The May 4th WW-II Memorial Concert. Dodenherdenking

Written by Jack van Ommen on May 1st, 2016

I have the program now for the Concert as per the details of my April 10th blog. If you open the link:

you will get an idea, even though it is in Dutch, of what this means to me, my mother’s legacy and the attention bestowed on the 650 women political prisoners that were sent to Ravensbrück, one of the most horrible Nazi concentration camps where more than two third of the about 132,000 prison population perished or was murdered.

It was a total co-incidence that my mother’s story of the singing of the Dutch version of “Abide with me” fits this music and the purpose of the annual memorial for the 2nd WW victims. Very little has been written, in particular about the about 200 Dutch women that went from Ravensbrück to Dachau; the book I wrote “The Mastmakers’ Daughters” is about the only detailed published story of their attempt at survival and resistance to the Nazi repression.

Het boek “De Mastmakersdochters” is voor €20 verkrijgbaar en ik zal bij de afloop er bij zijn achterin bij de in-uitgang om het te signeren. Ik zing mee met de tenoren. Hopelijk maakt U gebruik van mijn uitnodiging.

4 Mei Concert Final2




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