Wednesday July 8 Trucking right along

Written by Jack van Ommen on July 8th, 2009

At19.15 UTC I was at 34.27 N 46.42 W with 898 miles to go a 124 mile towards destination, 24 hours. The forecasts for the next 4 days are decent winds, continued downwind sailing, so, unless I run into weak winds after that I should make landfall in Horta on Friday the 17th, take a day sooner or later. I just talked to Herb but he could not hear me well enough. But “Way we go” is right behind me and he got his predictions which will be identical. “Way we go” will be passing me this evening. It is a much bigger and faster boat. I am going hull speed plus the push from the waves and only have the 90% jib up, winds are about 20 knots. No good moon pictures, the clouds covered the horizon on the moon rise and it was too bright when it set. But it was a beautiful site to see and the cabin was dimly lit all night by the moon. The weather has been gorgeous, blue skies with just a few white clouds. I ate the last apple and finished off the last of the vegetables, to-day. Not bad for a 26 day sail to only have to eat vegetables and fruit out of cans and dried for the next 8/9 days. No luck on the trap line. There was a dead squid on the deck this morning, possibly dropped by a hitchhiking bird; I skewered it on with the plastic squid lure. Great anticipation but no luck all day.


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