To all my East Asian Friends :
This will be a busy week, today first day of the Lunar New Year. Tomorrow Mardi Gras, Wednesday Ash Wednesday and it looks like I will have the publication announcement of SoloMan, before the week is done. I am currently uploading the different versions, paper back in color and black and white to Create Space and in Dutch and English and the E-book to Amazon Kindle and a Dutch E-book.
We have had some extraordinary sun rises over Mt. Rainier and the Cascade mountains. I have a great view from where I am staying since I returned from Virginia, at Lisa and Harry’s home in Fife. I am dying to go skiing on a day like yesterday and today. Sunny and cool enough for the right snow conditions and we have some of the best snow here we have had in years.
a veil of white cloud hanging in front of Mt. Rainier.