Well, I got to speak in tongues at the Pentecost service at the Latin mission here. And I must have been filled with the Holy Spirit because my Spanish was understood. At the end of the service first time visitors are asked to stand up and identify them selves. I took the opportunity to bid my hermanos y hermanas “adios” and I told them how much I had enjoyed worshipping with them these 6 weeks here. Many came for “embracos” afterwards. I love these people and will miss them. I probably learned more Spanish in those 6 visits than my cruising through P.R. and the D.R. because the priest speaks clearly and slowly and I have the English version on the left page in the missal. The communion song was “Pan de Vida, Cuerpo del Senor”, which is at times sung in Anglo services and an emotion for me.
I am hanging, with a list to port, in the travel lift, ready for a drop in the river on Tuesday Morning. This way I can get under the keel to fair and bottom paint and to paint the spots where the jacks were placed. The yard personell has Sunday and Monday off. Here are a few pictures of the new paint job. I will put on another picture once I am in the water. I am slowly getting used to the color and the graphics help to liven it up some. To-morrow I will be putting the Monitor steering vane back on and re-install the back stay tangs, lights, etc., on the transom. It has become very hot here and difficult to pick the right hours of the day to paint/Awlgrip.
My Grib files show good conditions for the next four days to sail to the Chesapeake. And unless something drastically changes that will be the plan. It should take about 4 to 6 days. I will try leave right away on Tuesday morning. Plan “B” would be to go into Beaufort N.C. if the weather deteriorates at Cape Hatteras and sweet talk Jeannine into coming to fetch me. I have my winter clothes and European charts/guides to pick up at the McDonnells and a sail to receive from Annapolis and provision for the crossing and things to get back to Lynne that are still on the boat.
I also post a picture of “SanSan” the boat that was launched just before me, yesterday. Have you ever seen this kind of underwater Grafitti? They are a young family who worked on a flush deck Ericson 36. Gia is, I believe, is 5 years old and she would be cruising the yard on her pink bicycle. I have a lot of admiration and envie for these young couples who do not get sucked into the tread mill but follow a dream before they retire. Go see their web blog at www.sansan.livesaildie.com
Once I am on my way on Tuesday/Wednesday this blog will be daily updated with my progress to the Chesapeake.
I LOVE the new look!! I think it looks fabulous. The colors all go perfectly together. Look forward to seeing you soon. Sounds like you will be here when Mark Sr, Rose, Carlo, Sergio and Bella will be here too. What fun! Love you
I have gotten this far in my friend Jack’s adventures, but I can’t stand it anymore.
I am sitting on the couch drinking beer, but you know what?
Life is great, and he proves it!