Good flights to Prague and on to Bucarest. I left on another gorgeous Spring morning from Amsterdam, snow flurries on arrival in Prague with one degree above freezing, rain the whole way in the bus ride from Bucarest to Zimnicea. From my window seat I saw the patchwork of fresh mowed meadows and the bright yellow rape seed fields. Romanian villages with their unusual galvanized steel roofs.
It worked. Roger and Judy Rue, my long time sailing friends from Tacoma, returned at 8.50 a.m. at Schiphol from Bucarest, from a Danube cruise and connected with a Seattle flight at 10.15 My flight left at 9.25 for Bucarest.
Sailors passing in the morning at S(c)hip hol. Roger reminded me of the “other” Roger Rue, I met in Phoenix in 2002 on a flight connection to Seattle after “our” Roger Rue had dropped me off in Puerto Vallarta two hours earlier….
I am back in the same hotel I was at in Zimnicea, as the one awaiting my haul out here last November. Connecting to the internet is a problem in this location.