October, 2024

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English language Roman Catholic Mass in Amsterdam

Thursday, October 17th, 2024

Since last May there is a new opportunity for the English speaking expat community to attend mass every third Sunday of the month at the Saint Augustinus church in Buitenveldert on the south side of the city bordering Amstelveen.

This all came about through the Augustinus church looking for more worshippers and father Alan de Guzman (S.M.A. =La Société des Missions Africaines ) and his flock of mostly Filipino expats looking for a home. The Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church also shares the Augustinus church for their mass on Saturdays. In the Philippines many of the R.C. churches have regular English services not just for expats or tourists but the locals as well. The word has gone out and we see a growing interest from other nationalities. You will be treated to the Filipino choir and their well known hospitality. So far, there is always an excuse for them to bring some of their favorite delicacies to the coffee social after the service.

St. Augustinuskerk, Amstelveenseweg 965
1081 JG Amsterdam-Buitenveldert

Corner Amstelveenseweg and Kalfjeslaan, right across from the 1890 Cafe. Parking on church parking lot. Public transport: Bus stops in front from the Amstelveenseweg Metro stop.

Service, every third Sunday of the month at 12 Noon

I became a regular at this church in 2009 when I first arrived from the USA on my sailboat, at the “de Schinkel” Yacht Club in the Amsterdamse Bos, to the spot where I learned to sail when I was 12. I grew up in the neighborhood and emigrated to the USA in 1957 when I was 19. I am in the second picture on the right back row. If you can make it this Sunday, introduce yourself. My standard pew is 4 rows from the front to the right of the center aisle. I’ll buy your cofee. I’ll fly November 15th to the Northwest for Thanksgiving and return March 28th.

part of the de Guzman flock