January 1st, 2012

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New Year’s Eve 2011

Sunday, January 1st, 2012

Wishing every one a Happy, Blessed, Healthy, Rewarding New Year.

I’m looking forward to it with great excitement. Continuing the exploration of the Mediterranean.

But there are some storm clouds gathering over the horizon. Last November, Jan, a friend at the Schinkel Yacht Club in Amsterdam pointed out a possible replay of history. “La Belle Époque” which preceded World War I and replayed in Berlin prior to World War II is making a similar comeback in Berlin. Berlin is right now again where it is happening in Europe, a mecca for the stars in entertainment, architecture, literature, etc. An audience and clientele with means and a good feeling of superiority over their European neighbors. I am in no way wanting to imply with this that this would forebode a third world war by the Germans. But I think that it could be a trend of a shift in values, in carelesness that can be exploited by the wrong drummers.

AMERICAN  POLICY ON IRAN: A good friend just forwarded to me the below link that you must read and decide for your self what your responsibilities are: http://www.truth-out.org/urging-obama-stop-rush-iran-war/1325349237