I am using one of the arrows out of the venial sin quiver. Snuck into the marina here which was built a few years back and then abandoned. There is no one to manage it. A couple rust buckets are parked in here but there is plenty of good moorage. It is two miles south of the town of Chios where the authorities keep an eye on the traffic but not in this marina. I rode the folding bike into town. Tomorrow I’ll add some pictures. It was dark by the time I had the boat cleared away. There are some interesting old wind mills on the water’s edge. The weather is changing and might stay here a couple of days. I started on the translation form Dutch to English of the book I am writing about our mother “The mastmakers Daughters”. And that will be a good excuse to wait for better weather here.
I covered over 50 nautical miles today, motor sailed most of the way, very pleasant day on the water.