Tomorrow “Fleetwood” gets hauled out on a slipway in the marina here. A diver just could not get the old prop off in the water. It turns out that I am missing a washer and a key way for the fixed two bladed spare propeller. They expect that they can make it up for me. But I am trying to purchase another folding prop. The fixed prop would have been good for all the motoring I did on the Rhine and Danube but from now on I do not expect that kind of travelling. After all it is not a motor yacht. Anyway it proves once again that my mishap always have a (initially obscure) reason for the good. Now I can take care of the packing problem and check the shaft and if need be replace it.
This is a very nice spot to be stuck with this problem but it is just a little bit too touristy for me. Last night the music went on all night and the annoying beat of the base is not the way I’d like to spend trying to sleep in an anchorage. This town has more churches than a town in the Bible Belt. But most of them are ruins. The below pictures give you an idea. From the history of the early Christian churches here, in the first 5 centuries after Christ, I started to realize that until Christ came that since creation somehow just only one very small segment, the Jews, worshipped God. What went wrong? When the Greeks colonized this area they built temples to their pagan Gods, Apollo, Fortuna, etc.
My new friends Keith and Carol on “Kirsten Jayne” anchored here two hours ago.