The weather turned gorgeous. A beautiful warm Spring day. I got to work on the boat. I am beat. After living a disgusting sedentary life behind the laptop, writing, since mid November, I am sanding, climbing up and down the ladder and bike riding the 8 mile roundtrip to the Danube.
I have a coat of epoxy and filler on the damaged spots on the hull and keel that needed my first attention. I am using a new Dutch epoxy paste that does not require micro balloons or similar thickeners. The only way one can purchase West system epoxy in Europe is to buy a combination of resin and hardener. I could not buy just the resin. I have plenty of their different types of hardener.
Camelia had me over for dinner again, this evening. Her friend Nella and Stefan joined us. I am starting to pick up more and more of their conversations. I discovered several French words, that are used almost identically in Romanian like, trottoire, lampadaire, besides the many words that are nearly the same as Italian, arrividere, machine (car) but pronounced like the French, buna seara (buona sera in Italian).
In my earlier blog I bitched about the internet problems here. I got lucky again. I am picking up a good wireless signal now from my hotel room.
- I worked till the cowes came home
- Kools en Koolzaad. My view from “Fleetwood”. Rapeseed in bloom