March 6th, 2011 browsing by day


Sunday March 6. My last week in the U.S.A.

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes!

My four month visit in Virginia at the McDonnells is coming to an end. I’ll be leaving here Monday morning the 14th and arrive Tuesday morning in Amsterdam.

Since my first call here on “Fleetwood” in June 2007 I have spent a number of visits here besides the hospitality of the McDonnells I have made a number of good friends here. I like the area and the climate.

I’ve done all I can do on writing the book about the life of my mother and will be adding material that is waiting for me in Holland. It has grown to about 250 book pages. The plan had been with me for the last 15 years but I was not certain when I started writing here, last November, that I ‘d have enough to make a book. But the material just kept growing from everywhere.  It is an amazing story of a very ordinary woman who left an amazing legacy and happened to have lived in a century that saw so many advances, falls, upheavals, wars and triumphs.

This was the ideal spot to concentrate and write undisturbed. There is still much work to do. But keep checking in for the progress.

This afternoon Sean showed us around the aircraft carrier “Harry S. Truman” on which he is stationed. She is getting ready to go in dry dock.  1091 feet longs carries about 6,000 crew when fully armed.