Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers.
I´m just back from mass. It was first communion Sunday. Such an endearing sight, all those 2nd graders in their communion outfits.
Friday morning I had a root canal done on the moulder that has been recapped in Saigon, last January. Turns out that the Saigon repair might not have been the bargain I had planned on. Wednesday morning I will get a permanent filling and a new crown. I have been in pain since the root canal was done and little of the pain killers I have tried sofar are relieving the pain. So, I am not the best of company visiting my twin brother and family and scheduled visits for this afternoon and tomorrow with other friends. If the dentists in Saigon had not given me the wrong information, when I called them from Nhatrang, I would have had the root canal done in Vietnam and be done with it. They told me this tooth already had the root canal done in years prior. Tomorrow morning I will ask my sister in law´s dentist for a better pain reliever. Thank God this is not happening in the middle of an ocean crossing.
Thursday evening I did not end up crewing on the weekly Tursday evening club race. But I joined the rescue boat which gave me a good vantage point for some action shots. There was plenty of wind and the rescue boat saw action with one of the “Vrijheids“ capsizing. I plan to incorporate these pictures in a slide show together with more of last Wednesday regatta in the coming weeks. As soon as it has been uploaded to my website I´ll let you all know.
My twin brother, Jan, lives about 25 miles S.E. of Hamburg. He has a degree in shipbuilding engineering and still works part time from his home as a consultant (www.vanommen.de) . I took the 6 hour train ride from Amsterdam early Saturday morning. Jan´s wife, Catharina, is Swedish. We celebrated Catharina´s May 5 birthday yesterday. Carl, their number two son came for the afternoon from Hamburg with Stephanie and 4 year old Sita.
- Stephanie,Sita,Carl,Catharina,Jan