Today we visited just one village, HoPruk Poth; also on the Mekong but more to the N.E. of Pnom Penh. It was a rough drive over potholed dirt roads. We had to cross the Mekong on a rickity car ferry. It was about half a mile across but not a single horse shoe bouy, life vest, or raft. This village definitely out did the previous 8 villages in their organization and in the preparation and presentation of our lunch. Our St. Nicholas priest and our 9 men church group celebrated mass with them in their tiny church. We were back by 2 p.m. and I managed to tour the Royal Palace grounds with the major temple sights. I expect to see more of Cambodia, including Angkor Wat, on my return with my friend Iris, in the next weeks.
I managed to recharge my battery once more but it goes down fast. I promise a more generous report from Saigon. I arrive there Sunday afternoon.
- Our spiritual leader and the village elders
- Reception line at Ho Pruk Poth