At 19.30 hrs UTC I am at 38.22 N 29.37 W with 48 miles to go a 99 mile day. Just as Herb predicted, last night,the winds calmed and lifted me towards Horta. At midday I was able to shake out the reefs and sailed with maximum sails, the 140% Genoa and the full Main sail. Beautiful day and a great sail. Just a bit of a surge but very small waves. Then the winds died and I motor sailed for a while, then they filled in again, but 5 minutes ago I turned the engine on once more and I suspect that this might last all night. At least I know that way that I will arrive early morning in Horta. I should start seeing the lights later this evening. No fish for Friday. I’ll try find out in Horta what type of lure works in these waters. Ron Seiler will meet me at the marina. He found me their e-mail and I have sent them a message advising them of my arrival. All clearing in is done right at the marina. I had a cockpit bath and started soaking some of my laundry in a bucket with bleach and soap. I get the Azores AM stations now. Armstrong is not having much luck in the Tour de France. His front rider Contador, last week, decided to take the end sprint glory for him self instead of pulling Lantz. Then to-day another helper on his team took a spill and is out of the tour. Yesterday a Dane won the etappe, and earlier in the week a Norwegian. A Swede next? This used to be the playground of the Italians and French. I will add a few photos of the crossing to to-morrow’s posting, when I have internet access again. I’m excited to be back in Europe again, in my own home. I have dug out the left over Euroes.