July 2nd, 2009

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Thursday June 2nd Still making good progress

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

At 21.30 utc I was at 33.33 N 59.57 W with 1540 Miles to Azores. A 119 mile day. At 2.30 in the morning I had to pry the washboards out of the companion way entrance to get on deck. A horizontal sheet of pounding rain hit me. I wrestled my way, dressed in watch band, head lamp and safety harness to the foredeck to douse the head sail. It had to be blowing more than 30 knots in this rain squall. The rest of the morning it was a steady rain. Dark and miserable in the cabin. But what the heck! As long as I am making progress. Talked to Herb. Stay on the 33.30 latitude, don’t go further north. Without the sun I have had to run the engine to charge the batteries. No luck on the trap line. The lure stays on the surface because I am moving too fast. I’ll have to add more weight.