August 18th, 2016 browsing by day


Thursday, August 18. My last full moon in Gig Harbor.

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

God willing, the next full moon picture will be on or of the Pacific Ocean.

an early morning departure

an early morning departure

The oldest Gig Harbor home. The Ross house in Arabella's Landing Marina

The oldest Gig Harbor home. The Ross house in Arabella’s Landing Marina

The excitement rises by the day. Seth, my youngest son, is helping me again with the electronics and navigation software. Yesterday he cranked me up to to the masthead, to replace the broken lens for the tri-color light.

Another reminder for my farewell party here in Gig Harbor on September 6th, from 6 to 8 p.m. A group of helpful lady friends is organizing the event with my daughters as a potluck.

Besides the info I posted on my previous blog, you will be able to find my boat position on, I have added my MSSI number in the upper right hand corner of this web site.